The world is but a canvas to our imagination”

Henry David Thoreau

Too many people spend too much money, time and energy on things that do not work.

The world is really good at telling us  WHAT we need to be good at i.e. be more confident, be more positive, believe in yourself, handle adversity better and so on and so on.

The Gap lies in showing people HOW to achieve those things quickly and consistently.

Wired to Win©  provides you an easy answer that gets you these experiences both quickly and consistently.


Because traditional models keep putting new information into a mind that is what I call “asleep” and this causes us to be unaware of the driving forces that continue to keep us struggling  with the usual limiting thoughts, fears, doubts, beliefs and assumptions that have been “running the show” for quite a while!


This is why change—if it occurs at all—is so slow for most people.

Traditional models continue to “dump” new information into a mind THAT CANNOT FULLY TAKE IT IN.

When it meets that “old mind resistance” it gets overtaken and your struggles play out again and again.

It’s like taking a peashooter to a gunfight!

I am an awareness builder.

I have discovered over the years that many people are unaware of what is driving their unwanted experiences and because of that they run around spending a lot of time and money looking for tips and platitudes.

That ends with Wired to Win©.

This process easily causes you to become AWAKE (aware) which puts an end to your struggles AND WHEN AWAKE–EVERYTHING YOU DO—YOU DO BETTER!

 Please listen to this short video

Circle 2 is where your freedom is!

You are already WIRED TO WIN©

What does that mean?

This means you have built within you, a “wiring system” connecting your mind (IMAGINATION), body, emotions and energy. THESE ARE THE TOOLS THAT GENERATE ALL OUTCOMES.

No matter what arena of life (SPORTS, WORK, RELATIONSHIPS, HEALTH, FINANCES, ETC.)!

I am an expert in aligning you with your tools of human potential.

Yes…this is my life’s work…guiding others (and myself) to take advantage of this wonderful gift we all have (YET DON’T USE TO our advantage) IN A WAY THAT IS CLEAR and EASILY applied to elevate the way you live, work and play. This is not a vague concept or platitude but rather a very practical power based on natural laws that govern how all human beings produce outcomes to reach their potential.


This approach is for anyone who TRULY wants to elevate the way they live, work and play–and are frustrated with the repetitive tips and platitudes!


Clients have shared with me they have tried many other approaches and have often gotten very surfaced solutions to their issues. These solutions were very temporary and often came in the form of tips, strategies, platitudes and confusing theories and concepts.


The people who come into this approach want real results that are repeatable over time!

Because of that, we will never offer you generic and overused tips, strategies, platitudes or theories or concepts.

Instead, you will learn the very specific natural LAWS by which your mind, body, emotions and energy function together to govern all of your outcomes and always have. Instead of putting out “fires” you will have far fewer “fires” to put out.

These Laws are:



Predictable and best of all…


Nobody’s immune! Nobody operates outside of them (athlete, business person, entertainer or anyone else)


  • ROOT CAUSE insights ONLY taught here–each law builds on the law before and your success begins with law #1

  • EASY to apply exercises–you apply throughout your day no matter where you are or what you’re doing.

  • NO LONG STUDY –No need to take hours of work or writing in notebooks for “homework”

  • NO LEARNING CURVE–beginning with law #1 you  experience immediate shifts in awareness , make new choices in situations you never have before and build unshakable confidence.

    • And it only gets better from there!

The coaching world is loaded with tips, strategies and platitudes—things that are not root cause solutions.

90% of the people who contact me already have notebooks filled with tips, strategies and platitudes– and spent a lot of money time and energy on them.

 Yet their results are sporadic or temporary.

In just 12 sessions I will reveal to you the natural laws that govern all human beings and the outcomes they produce, and you will now CONSCIOUSLY apply them to get what you want no matter what the arena of life. You will experience changes beginning in session 1.

Here is the beauty of this approach…

As a byproduct of your new level of awareness you will easily and seamlessly:

  • Elevate confidence that is unshakable

  • Make new conscious choices where in the past you were governed by reactionary habit

  • Stop putting out “fires” after they already started! (That’s what most people do and it’s way too late!!!

  • Start creating more of the outcomes you desire–instead of spending all your time trying to cope with the fires you don’t want

  • Move through adversity with ease

  • Reduce stress

  • Eliminate fear

  • Perform at the top of your “game” more often (business, sports or life)

  • Finally understand how you have been producing outcomes your entire life and using those same laws to produce what you want


Dear David,

I listened to your interview with Deb Poneman about Wired to Win and I’ve been as skeptical as anyone I know because of all the hype out there! I’ve wasted a lot of money an my hopes dashed but something  you said struck me and I bought it. Wow. you were right! I can’t believe how much better I feel and how “awake” I’ve become. Thank you David. Is there a way to work with you and soar even higher? 

                       Melissa Pankin

DANIEL P. FELIX Family Trustee, Trust Administrator, Fiduciary, Coach, Counselor, Educator, Speaker says…

“David provides a compelling message in an engaging and entertaining manner. In the seminar I attended, David was well prepared and professional as well. His message changed my life”

Are you ready to break out? 

“I originally signed up for the personal coaching for myself but your approach helped me get excited about my business again. In fact, I found  it so helpful that I had my six managers go through Wired to Win©.  The results were immediate. They were more patient and positive with less stress and it filtered down through the whole company”

Tim Rahe   M R Paving and Excavating

To learn more about Wired to Win© and myself and how to live, work and play every day in circle 2…

Go to the following links….

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Personal Coaching


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Thank you for visiting!  😉