• Actor/Writer/Director—Theater, Film and Television
  • Monthly Contributor to Actors Ink/Now Casting E-Magazine
  • Creator of The Star Within© with Hollywood legend Bob Fraser
  • Peak Performance Coach to Actors, Pro Athletes, Corporate Professionals

David has lived the highs and lows of success, failure and self-doubt.

While David specialized primarily in performance excellence, his studies and vast experience has taken him to an incredibly clear perspective on how human beings produce results–any result. . His vast knowledge of all the fundamental forms of achievement and his clear perspective has earned him the nickname, “Mr. Simple” because he simplifies the muddy and turbulent waters so many of us think we have to wade through to level of ease and clarity we didn’t realize was possible..

David’s reach is local, national and international with people around the globe in business/sports/life. People gravitate to his teachings after many attempts to search for ways to “deal” with problems AFTER they happen. David’s fresh perspective blows them away. He says: “That’s too late! That’s what traditional approaches offer you. Why wait until your “fires” flare up when you can have far fewer “fires”to begin with?”

David calls this Advanced Training for Advanced results.

David owes his knowledge and success to many, and has learned from some of the best mentors and advisers. He has been a beneficiary of many before him and now chooses to be a conduit of all that he has learned. He shares his knowledge with those who seek to expand themselves in fields of business, entertainment, pro/amateur sports and personal development.

David is a coach, speaker, writer, actor and director. Rather than focus only on WHAT to do, he shows you HOW to do it.

His desire to discover each person’s highest potential through awareness and self-discovery lead to the pursuit of mastery. He is a firm believer of always being a student and continued growth, the pursuit of happiness as well as mastery of all aspects of one’s life. If this is what you desire–this teaching is crucial.

To Book David at your next event or virtual gathering, call/text

818-844-6946 (PST in USA)




§  Founder of The Personal Best Academy

§  Speaker

§  Author

§  Performance Coach

§  Actor, Writer, Director

§  Radio Host

§   Voted “Most Requested Coach” five times

§  Corporate Trainer


•The Golf Channel “Academy Live”
* Weekly Mental Game columnist for  The Golf Channel website and e-zine
• Host of radio talk show called “Your Personal Best” (NY)
• Host of “Inner Quest” TV show (an Infinity Foundation production)
• Guest on over 130 radio/television stations (including ESPN, WGN)
• Creator of Audio Performance Tapes/CD.s—Meditation/Imagery
• Author of “Wired To Win” and many articles, books and e-books


• Professional Speaker
* Executive Performance Coach (Corporations, Personal/Professional Development)
• Leadership Development/Performance Excellence/Project Management: Managed 36 person network to deliver a Performance/Competency Based Leadership Development Program — Ameritech
• Human Resource Consulting (developing training, performance reviews, evaluation tools, etc.)
• Self Managed Professionals (health, sales professionals, etc.)
• Career Coaching
• Contract Consultant ( Ameritech, Motorola, Sprint, Mosaic Info-Force)


• Director Of Training
• Wired To Win©–Peak Performance Program
• Customer Service—Building Brilliant Relationships
• Sales Training

Training and Coaching Topics Include:

The Forward Bounce!—How to move through change/adversity
Presentation Skills
Leadership Skills Development
Delivering Effective Performance Reviews
Conducting Productive Meetings
Communication Skills Impacting People & Productivity
Motivational Speaking/Presentations
“Root Cause” Problem Solving
Coaching: Building Collaborative Relationships
Coaching and Developing Others


• Certified Observer (Ameritech/Leadership Development)
• Certified Trainer/Wilson Learning Corp
• Certified Performance Coach (Nightingale-Conant)
• Certified “True Colors” Personality Style Assessment


• USTA National Tennis Center: Director of Mental Toughness
• National Junior Reebok Program: Director of Mental Toughness
• USTA Conferences and Events
• LaCosta Resort and Spa
• PGA/LPGA Education Programs, players, teaching professionals
• Ivan Lendl’s Grand Slam Tennis Center
• Dr. Jim Suttie Golf Training Schools
• PGA Teaching Pros, Professional And Amateur Golfers
• Reebok Junior Player Development Program
• USA Hockey Leagues/Clinics
• Queens College (NY) / Northwestern University (IL),
* DePaul Univ.
• Illinois University At Chicago (School of Psychology)


• University Of Akron (B.S. Industrial Mgt./Communications)

• Queens/Brooklyn College Graduate Schools (1/2 Psych. Masters)

• The New Center (Licensed Sports Massage Therapist)
• Tri-State Institute (Passed National Boards in Acupuncture)
• Accelerated Learning Certificate (Adult Learning Models)
• EEG Brain Wave Biofeedback
• Observer/Assessor Certification (Ameritech Leadership Development)
• Certified Coach/Nightingale Conant Corp. (Professional Development)


§  Theater

§  Film

§  Television



To Book David at your next event or virtual gathering, call/text818-844-6946 (PST in USA)



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